Friday, January 30, 2009

Good-for-nothing diagnoses

I have a couple of people in my life, very close to me, who struggle with symptoms of some type of syndrome, disease, illness, or whatever that the doctors simply cannot identify they do what doctor's call diagnosing them with an "exclusion diagnosis". This is when no other diagnosis they can think of readily fits the patient, so they just give a very general diagnosis...

One example that is common is irritable bowel syndrome. No way you haven't heard of it. Some call it spastic colon. It's all the same. It means you either have bouts of horrible constipation, diarrhea, or you vary between the two and the doctors cannot find a viral, bacterial or other reason through colonoscopy, x-ray, etc to link to Crohn disease, allergies, or the common exclusion/inclusion of campylobacter, salmonellae, helicobacter, and shigella or E. coli. So, they check you for all of this, most come up negative and they say "You have a spastic colon". There's nothing they can really do except give you meds to try to stop your colon when it's doing its "thing" and you have to play around to find which med works for you and at what dose. If you're lucky, it will go away on its own...if not, you'll be struck with it for years.

I have a little girl who just turned 5 and they have no idea why she struggles with bouts of constipation. She has to take Miralax at an adult dose 2x a day and she still gets "backed up" all the way to the pyloric sphincter (very bottom of the stomach). So, when this happens, she has to go through a horrible regimen of the Miralax PLUS Milk of Magnesia. When this has failed her, she has in the past been hospitalized and put on magnesium citrate (called Go Lightly) which is HORRIBLE. They put it in through a nasogastric tube (through the nose into the stomach). At this point, she has had several x-rays, a gastrogram, and blood work...I think they should do a colonoscopy and check for something else. This CAN'T be normal in a 5-yr-old...

Another lovely band-aid label I think is given out too often is "fibromyalgia". I've seen studies on this condition, watched medical shows on it, and have had 2 friends who were diagnosed with it as well. One of my closest friends battles with the symptoms of this label, and it is something I wouldn't wish on one of my worse enemies. She has been becoming more and more debilitated over the last 2 years; somewhat due to the pain in her muscles, but I also think it has a lot to do with all of the near-20 medications they have her on (no joke! but that's a subject for another discussion!). Simply stated, "algia" means pain, "myo" means muscle, and "fibro" means fibrous (tissues). There are so many other conditions and rare diseases this could be related to that other medications (which she is not on) could treat. Instead, her original physician (who did not put her through the proper test (pain in at least 11 of 18 designated "tender" points, and a >3-month history of widespread chronic pain in all 4 body quadrants) heard her story and just diagnosed her as fibromyalgia because he couldn't think of anything else. Now, all these years later and doctors later, they are still treating her as such. She could have rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis (her symptoms fit many of these), yet none of the physicians LISTEN to her. They look at her electronic chart, fill out another pain pill script, collect her co-pay and send her on her way.

I went with her one time because she was becoming more and more fatigued and was having chest pain. The physician she was seeing was chalking it up to her "fibromyalgia" and I was not having it, so I went with her and pushed for him to send her to a cardiologist. She got the referral and I went with her. The cardiologist did an EKG and found an abnormality. She had a cardiac catheterization and they found 2 vessels with occlusion and the cardiologist said at least 1 of the vessels was so blocked (90%) that she would have had a heart attack had she held out any longer and that this was the reason she was so fatigued. The heart could not pump the oxygenated blood through her body. Fibromyalgia my rear.

She also has a finding in her lung that the same physician says is normal for people who come from up north. Does he not see it in her chart that she was a long-time smoker? Does he not hear her when she says she has a chronic cough? He chalks that up to COPD. I think she should see a pulmonologist and have a CT scan, but I cannot manage her health care...I can only support her the best way I can.

I'm not a doctor, and I hope I'm wrong on some of this stuff, but all I know is that I'm seeing a lot of "lazy diagnoses" while my husband and my friends are all paying out some hefty medical/health care amounts. Frustrating doesn't even begin to cover how I feel about this.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Buzz word = Economy

I know there is a lot of truth to it, but how annoying is it when crazy stuff gets blamed on "the economy"?

One of the most ridiculously pathetic stories I heard on "E" (that's probably my first mistake, getting my "news" from the "Entertainment News Channel"), was that they were having to scale down in Hollywood on the gifts given to celebs at the awards shows. That's terrible! Whatever will the celebrities do when they have to accept a $100.00 dog tag necklace instead of the $x000+ bling they're used to getting? And what do you mean there won't be any designer sunglasses? You mean they'll have to be photog'd in their giant sunglasses from last season unless they buy their own? No way!

It's the economy, the report said. I see. That's awful. I teared up at the thought of the fewer number of brand new Jimmy Choo(s), or the celebs having to pull out a dress they may have worn before (gasp!), or...

Ok, you get the point. Thing is, I know not all the celebs are so shallow and are not in it for the freebies, getting all dressed up for the red carpet, the shoes (no, that would be me! LOL), etc. I know there are some that do the job cuz they love it and the money's great too...but, I imagine there are just as many if not more that looked into those goodie bags at the awards show and secretly said to themselves "WHAT? That's IT?"

Then, they rolled out in their slick ride to their crib (j/k)...

Seriously, though, unemployment is up to 7.5% and underemployment is up to 6.4%. THAT is sad.

They say that if we start selling houses, that would boost the economy. Hmmm. Who wants to jump first? The reported unemployed and underemployed are struggling not to lose their houses and, if they do, their houses will flood the market with even more foreclosures...sending the housing market even further into the hole. So, no one is selling because their houses are not "worth anything", no one is buying because the job market is crashing and it's all a big circle.

So what's anyone's ideas on how to fix it?

From what I understand, we're in our 12th or 13th recession in documented we'll come out of it...but how? What worked before? Can it work again?

I'm part of the 6.4% underemployed, seeking more work....a career. I need to help my family, save my house...but, you know, "the economy"...

So, I watch E and get entertained.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Big Game

OK OK -- so we LOST. And, like I predicted, I am NOT hearing the end of it. I've been told the directions to I-75 North, about 5 good ways to burn my OU jacket, and what a traitor I am for living in this state and rooting for my home state(?). The best line I heard was: "It's not where you're from, it's where you live." Obviously, the whole "When in Rome..." standard.

I had fun, though. I hung out at Beef's and made some new friends. Amazingly, no enemies. That's the thing about Florida football fans...they are totally into their team and they can really get on your nerves with how they will not let you live down a loss, but they are not mean. I cannot say the same about some fans of some certain "other" teams I've known in the past.

The thing is, I don't take ANYTHING in this life toooo terribly seriously except my faith and my family. The rest is all fun.

And that's all I gotsta say about that.


I am from Oklahoma and I will therefore cheer for OU. No big surprise there.

Thing is, I live in Florida and married into a HUGE Gator fanatic family. Their blood, I swear, is orange and blue. They believe it to be unfathomable that I should be such a traitor to the Mullins name and cheer for "that other" team.

Funny enough, I haven't had much of a chance to follow OU this year or much over the past years. The Gators are on all the time, plus we have like 1200 other Florida teams. OU isn't really played much. So, seeing as I don't watch ESPN 24 hours a day, nor do I read the paper, I just get to catch a final score here and there. So, the family takes this and uses it against me and teases me every chance they get (i.e. "So, Charity, who's the running back for OU this year?"..."Who got hurt this week?" I know...). It took me a week to learn Sam won the Heisman. I know!

Anyway, regardless, I am stoked about the game. I cannot wait to watch it!

I was really looking forward to the annoying teasing that was sure to come with watching it with my husband and his family; however, his mom's brother passed away yesterday and they are all in Palatka today. Instead, I'm heading to a local grill to watch with some friends and will probably be teased by them and other locals. Yippee.

The bright side is that all the FSU fans should be on my side. That is unless they choose not to cheer for a Big 12 team. I just cannot IMAGINE any FSU fan actually cheering for the Gators. That would definitely be an act of traitorism, if that is even a word!

Thing is, I'm actually a little concerned for OU. As a friend of mine and I were talking earlier today, OU does have a history of choking under pressure at big games....and Florida, well, they're F-A-S-T. The offense is unstoppable if they get going. I was teasing another friend of mine that it's because of, well, never mind...I live here now, I better shut up.

I do love Florida, but my heart will always belong to Oklahoma. I miss you guys.

I'll be happy either way, but I'll be ECSTATIC if OU wins. Otherwise, I will NEVER hear the end of it from the family, my church, or my friends!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Finding my Career

I'm going to be 35 years old this coming March...Overall, I feel okay about it; after all, isn't the mid-30's the new 20's? HA!

The thing is, I'm nearing middle-age and I still have no clue what my life's career ambition is. I don't get how some people just know what they are going to do when they head off to college....

I went to college with the idea that I would major in Education and double minor in History and Spanish. Most History teachers where I came from where also coaches of a sport, so I needed to double up on a minor to ensure I would have a job out of college. While there, however, I would walk the halls feeling completely goal-less. I thought about changing to Business or Nursing...but never did. Instead, I majored in Partying. I think I passed that one pretty well. Got a degree I think, but I can't remember.

After leaving college too soon, making a few errors in judgment, and winding up in Florida through a series of crazy decisions, I miraculously landed a job in telecommunications. I had come to a point in my life where I was ready to turn things around, yet my past work history had no substance to it (bartender, waitress, hostess, Subway sandwich maker...); however, through working for a Temp service and handling a job for GTE (now Verizon), someone saw something in me and gave me a chance. That chance landed me a successful career in telecom for almost 9 years.

I was at Verizon for about 3, then I went on to a competitor for about 5. The competitor lost $$ and thus I lost my job, along with the VP and everyone under was very sad. Since that time, I have been at home with my kids and struggling to figure out what it is I should do now.

I tried going back to telecom for a was okay. Maybe it was the position, maybe it was the work relationship (or lack thereof) between me and the Director, and maybe it was just just didn't work at that time. No hard feelings. Maybe some other time.

While I was at home in the interim, I decided to "go back to school". I completed my medical transcription schooling and am currently doing that; however, it cannot be a career...we are getting downsized as a whole quickly due to Electronic Health Records and hospitals paying companies overseas. I knew when I went into this it wouldn't be a forever thing...

About 2 years ago, a friend of mine started Nursing school and I considered doing this as well...but financially it wasn't feasible. Plus, the more she got into it and I saw the material, the stress, the demands of the education...I knew I couldn't handle that AND the responsibilities I have with my family...

I feel like my career should be in "serving" or "helping", but that's not very definitive. That could mean "Thank you, sir, would you like another glass of tea?"...I just feel like there's something planned and I can't see it yet. Like I'm looking through the glass darkly.

Currently, I'm waiting to hear on a particular possibility that would be fun and exciting and I would learn a lot about a whole different field. That would make 3 times I have changed my career, which from what I've read is not all that weird these days. I hope it works out, because it could really develop into something long-lasting. It's at least given me a little bit of hope.

It's so daunting...looking at the Classifieds...knowing there's so many people out there looking at the same time (currently our area is at 7% unemployment!)...

Sometimes, I will find that "something" that looks right for me and will apply, pray, and cross my fingers...only to get that e-mail that my resume was "impressive" but they've "regretably" chosen another candidate. :-(

I know when the time is right the right job will come along..the question is, will it be my career? I have no clue.

Stuck in Cymbalta, um, Hades

For those who have known me over the last decade, you know that I've struggled with the progression of my migraine headaches horribly. I've been hospitalized twice (maybe 3x?, can't remember thanks to Topamax!) and have been to 2 neurologists. I've had tons of tests, been on several meds, and there's never a real solution...only band-aids.

To add to my frustration and to that of the doctors who try to help, I am known to always get the rare side effects that come along with whatever drug we try. One drug made my hair fall out. Another gave me a type of temporary blindness for a couple of days until it got back out of my system. I could go on and on. Topamax definitely came with its doozies, but nothing I couldn't least I wouldn't go bald or blind...I just sound like a ditz sometimes and am pretty forgetful. The joke is that I "used to be" so smart. I really am intelligent, it's just Topamax's side effects make me sometimes seem like I need to have a dictionary or thesaurus on hand at all times. LOL.

Anyway, mostly I'm kidding...I've been on Topamax for a few years now, so I'm pretty used to it. The down-side of that is that as a result, I had an episode of my "chronic status migrainosus" about a little over a year ago (I think, again thank you, Topamax Time Warp). The answer they came up with this time was the Cymbalta. It seemed to work in the beginning, but now I am back to having headaches (though not migraines yet) almost daily.

So, I figure the Cymbalta's not working and I would like to stop it and try something else. Not that easy. I did the research and knew it could be a rocky road and found out the wean regimen I needed to be on. At first, it wasn't too bad...just some really weird visual disturbances, but then I started on the heavier side effects. I had a foggy brain where I couldn't think of words, it felt like my brain was being electrically charged sometimes (painful), I had some really crazy nightmarish dreams, I was fatigued during the day, and my eyes and brain were not communicating. That's the best way I can describe it. This, I found, could be offset with Benadryl somewhat...but the next step I didn't prepare for....

It was mentioned that individuals may experience an "angry stomach". I figured that meant a stomach ache or whatever, and I was ready for, no.

Try feeling like the girl from The Exorcist! That was tooo much! I couldn't lie down, sit up, sleep, stay awake, drink, eat, breathe, nada...without getting sick. I had no other symptoms. I went to the doctor and they put me on an IV for fluids, Phenergan for nausea, and Toradol for my migraine that was coming on from the dehydration and lack of sleep.

All in all, it was suggested to resume the medication.

I called my doctor today, same suggestion.

So, here I am, in Cymbalta Hades. Trapped.

Had I known that the side effects of withdrawal, should I have ever wanted to discontinue the medication, could be that bad I would never have started it. I would have asked them to try a different medication. My migraines at the time were rough (21 days straight with no break, nausea and all, no fluids/food for 3 days, etc) and I realize something had to be done...but something that seems so irreversible?

So, the lesson here kiddos: Do your research before you just jump into taking anything. I usually do, but this time I was so desperate for relief I just jumped. Now I can't take it back. I'm stuck on an expensive medication that doesn't really help and it has my brain in lock-down. I'm more angry at the neurologist for not warning me, because - TRUST ME - I would have asked her to think of something else.

Friday, January 2, 2009

NY Rez's -- Busted Already!

Ok, so I started out the New Year like most do -- with hopes of making change. January 1st seems like such a good day to start, right?

I have learned over the years NOT to set them too high and to be realistic. I even did a silly top-1o list on my facebook/My Space pages (see link on my profile); however, some of them were for real.

I really do want to start getting back into shape. I really do want to cut down on my consumption of Diet Coke, as they contribute to my migraines. I really do need to cut down on my intake of sugars, carbs, and all that nasty stuff since I'm making some medication changes and the weight will now need to be maintained by me! YUCK!

So my first day of the new year, I really wanted to just have, say, 1 Diet Coke and eat better. Not that hard, right? WRONG.We spent the night for New Year's at my BIL and SIL's playing Wii (ow, my arm is sore) and indulging in nachos, drinks, and cookies (and a DELICIOUS dinner).

Well, my SIL had quite the spread available the next morning and I took full advantage. Donuts, greasy bacon, pastries, blah blah blah. In other words: carbs, fat, sugar, etc etc. Then, to drink, I don't drink milk so I had D.C. We watched the guys play more Wii, and I drank more D.C. Then, that afternoon, we had a birthday party for my sister's youngest at McDonald's, so more bad food and more D.C.

January 1st was a total bust! Today is a new day, though. I got up and had a healthy breakfast and have already finished off 24 oz of water AND I did a work-out!

Now just to face my fear of the ostrich!