Friday, June 26, 2009

2 Interviews Back-2-Back Monday

...and I'm N-E-R-V-O-U-S...

to say the least.

yet, I feel blessed.

In our market in Florida, unemployment is now beyond 10%. Therefore, to receive 2 phone calls in less than a week is flattering and exciting. Hopefully, the opportunities will not disappoint.

The interesting thing is, the jobs are not in fields that I would have normally considered as my groove. I have 10 years telecommunications spread across management, technical writing/testing/analyzing, residential repair, as well as regulatory and commission affairs. After being forced to leave telecom with the downsizing of the last company I gave my heart to (awwww), I sought certification in medical transcription so I could work from home and be with my small children. Now, they're not so small; however, the amount of work has dwindled significantly and has put me in a seeking position again.

So, I find myself up late night after night, going over site after site, looking for that "perfect" position. I've received a couple of responses in the field(s) I have experience in indicating I am a year shy of the experience they are looking for (5 versus the 4 I have in transcription) or that because it is home-based and not hospital-based that won't work either. One other email from an unnamed company indicated that my requested salary was "too high"; therefore, I responded that salaries are negotiable and, if that was the only thing holding me back...let's talk. It's a hard market out there, and it's funny that where I have experience, no one wants to give me the time of day....but, where I've never considered, I have recruiters interested in molding me and shaping me into what they want. They like what I write, what they hear, what they see.

We'll see how it goes Monday. It could be a bust. I maybe won't like what they have to say. I could show up and it be a mass interview process like on "Fun with Dick and Jane" with Jim Carey (that scene was HILARIOUS) and I might be just part of a herd of people going to a presentation...who knows? It'll be great experience if nothing else and I'm excited, because it just might be the beginning of something great.

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