Thursday, July 2, 2009

Independence Day?

Everybody should buy Glenn Beck's book "Common Sense", inspired by the original writing of Thomas Pain.

I started this book today and I can hardly put it down. In the midst of my training, my family, my quiet time and my work, I am still trying to find time to squeeze Mr. Beck in because the book is just truly fascinating. At the same time, his view of the current state of our government and our apathy towards it is eerie and yet frightfully true in my most humble opinion.

I am about halfway through and I cannot wait to see what has to say next. I don't really know anything about Mr. Beck except that one time at my sister's house I saw him on the television and he was crying a lot. I didn't take that as weakness; rather, I understood him to be very passionate about his country and its direction. I don't sit in a seat of judgment with anyone, I just listen and try to determine for myself what I think of what is said. What do I believe? What do I want to teach my children?

So far, from what I've read in his book, I can't disagree. I don't know the parties or representatives in question, I don't know much about the changing legislations, and I become overwhelmed at the insane amount of money discussed in political debates. I am guilty of shutting the TV off, putting my hands over my ears, and singing the Smurfs theme song hoping it will all go away. Obviously, that's not working. I don't want to sit by idly anymore.

So, what do I do? Can one person really change anything?

Before Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" (which, Mr. Beck reminds us, sparked the writing of the Declaration of Independence which was signed a short 7 months later...think how long it takes us to get ANYTHING done anymore in government!!!), there were individuals bucking the system, ready to fight Britain and whatever/whoever else stood in their way of freedom of complete government control. Now we are giving the government control little by little, hoping they will fix everything with money they don't have and power they abuse. We see it all the time.

When will 1 become 2 and 2 become 10 and 10 become 1000s and 1000s become millions? In a democracy, it should be the voice of the people; not the voice of the guys who get paid by the lobbyists, who will never have to worry about retirement, who will never stand in a line to file for unemployment/WIC/'s us -- down in the trenches, paying THEM and allowing them to make decisions for us as they just move us deeper into a hole we'll never be able to crawl out they create a multi-trillion dollar debt of legacy for our children and grandchildren.

I am not going to sit here and "worry" about it, however, because my God (which, by the way, our Nation was FOUNDED under) does not give me the spirit of fear/worry/anxiety, but of peace and a sound mind. He gives me the commandment to pray for my government, to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's (pay taxes), and to work for the Lord and not for men. I cannot just say "forget you, President Obama and Capitol Hill!". No, rather, I agree with Mr. Beck that we must proceed peacefully and (in my words) put the battle in God's hands. Spread the word, talk to others, educate, and liberate.

Otherwise, Independence Day, July 4, 1776 is nothing but a story in a history book.

If anyone wants to agree/disagree that is perfectly fine, for as Mr. Beck so aptly puts it: "I sincerely believe that no discussion or debate is un-American. I agree with the Founding Fathers that it is only on the battlefield of ideas that the best ones can be recognized and ultimately prevail. Only those afraid of truth seek to silence debate, intimidate those with whom they disagree, or slander their ideological counterparts. Those who know they are right have no reason to stifle debate because they realize that all opposing arguments will ultimately be overcome by fact".

Well said, Mr. Beck...and I'm only halfway through!!!

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